LOKER HARI INI 29 JANUARI 2025 - PT. Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia disingat PTMI adalah perusahaan manufaktur elektronik yang memproduksi peralatan rumah tangga. Produk yang dihasilkan seperti Kulkas, AC (Air Conditioner), Pompa Air, Kipas Angin, dan lain-lain.
Sejarah PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia sebelumnya bernama PT. National Gobel yang didirikan pada 27 Juli 1970. Perusahaan ini merupakan anak perusahaan dari Panasonic Gobel Indonesia. Panasonic Gobel Indonesia sendiri bagian dari Panasonic Corporation, perusahaan elektronik multinasional asal Jepang.
Dalam menjalankan usahanya Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia beralamat di Jl.raya Bogor Km.29 Jakarta Timur. gandari, Pasarrebo, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 13790.
PT. Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia BUTUH SEGERA:
1. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT (Subject: PMI_Recruitment_System Development)
2. STAFF IT INFRASTRUCTURE (Subject: PMI_Recruitment_IT Infrastructure)
Responsibilites (posisi 1):
- System Planning & System Design
- Developing applications (coding, programming)
- Researching, investigating & fixing a wide range of technical issues
- Documenting & testing new software applications
- Collaborating with senior leaders & managers Approaching problems & creating solutions
- Debugging & testing code
Qualifications (posisi 1):
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Informatics Engineering or Information System
- Fresh graduates / Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply
- Has skill to develop Web Application (Fullstack developer)
- Has skill to develop Mobile Application (Android/iOS)
- Fresh graduates/Entry level are encouraged to apply
- Active learning about new technologies
- Has knowledge about API, UI/UX
Responsibilites (posisi 2):
- Manage hardware and troubleshoot Network, Server, & System backup PC/Laptop
- Maintain & troubleshoot IT Equipment
- Maintain the security of IT & Ensure confidentiality, availability, and integrity according to information security management standards
- Communicate & Collaborate with developer & IT Team Vendor to improve IT Infrastructure
Qualifications (posisi 2):
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Computer Science
- Fresh graduates / Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply In depth knowledge of networking, network protocols, and security (CISCO, ARUBA)
- Ability to manage server (Windows)
- Have experience with virtualization (VMWARE)
Send Your Updated CV with the specified subject to:
Email: ml_pmi_ga_recruitment@id.panasonic.com
Please Submit Before 8 FEBRUARY 2025